Results for "saving"

A dividend reinvestment plan, or DRIP, is an investment program designed to slowly compound your shares in a chosen company. It works by automatically reinvesting your incoming cash dividends towards the purchase of additional shares. This allows you to slowly compound your dividend returns, drop by drop.

Ellen Roseman speaks with Kyle Prevost, co-author of the book More Money For Beer and Textbooks and self-proclaimed personal finance nerd, about his new retirement planning course for Canadians entitled "4 Steps to a Worry-Free Canadian Retirement." They discuss topics such as the incentive structure for advisors, the 70% rule of pre-retirement income in retirement, fee-only advice and a variety of personal finance topics including his four steps for a worry free retirement. They also discuss life living in Qatar.

Ellen Roseman speaks with Michael Bartz, host of the In Over My Head podcast, about his tiny house and lowering his environmental footprint as well as living simply and frugally.

Ellen Roseman chats with Shaun Maslyk, CFP and host of the podcast "The Most Hated F-Word" about our money-stories and how they affect our relationship with money. He mentions Dr. Brad Klontz and the four money-scripts or subconscious beliefs that we develop as young children about money.

In this episode, Ellen Roseman chats with Kerry Taylor a.k.a Squawkfox, speaker, blogger and podcaster about behavioural finance, covid and whether her views about money have changed after her battle with cancer. They also chat about dynamic pricing, algorithm and loss aversion.

In this episode, Ellen Roseman speaks with Fred Vettese, Actuary and Author of Retirement Income for Life: Getting More Without Saving More (Second Edition) about his contrarian view of Canadian retirement strategies, including delaying CPP and decumulation of assets.

Ellen Roseman interviews Stella Papadopoulos, author of I’m Getting Divorced Where Do I Start? about what she considers important steps to be taken into account when considering divorce.

Ellen Roseman chats with Stephen Weyman from on ways to make ends meet during Covid-19. They discuss government programs, payment deferrals on loans and credit cards, saving on usual monthly expenses like utilities, creating an emergency fund and his three best tips for financial success.

Have you been affected by the Covid -19 pandemic? Janet Gray, Certified Financial Planner, and Ellen Roseman discuss the different benefits that are available to Canadians and Canadian businesses rolled out by the Government of Canada. They discuss the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit, Canada Emergency Business Account and a host of other benefits that are available.

Ellen Roseman chats with Gordon Stein about his book The Cashflow Cookbook. They discuss simple ways to save money and reduce debt without sacrificing lifestyle. They touch on cell phones, clothing, car washes, paying down debt, the idea of wealth, your net worth, saving and investing and many other topics.