Advisor Directory more information

The Canadian MoneySaver database of financial professionals offers unique exposure to a national audience with a specific interest in personal finance and investing. The database is viewable for free online as well as in a downloadable spreadsheet format for members, who can then filter the spreadsheet to meet their specific needs.

Who can list on the database?

We do not want to limit the options available to the public, so if you provide a financial service that can help an individual meet their retirement needs, we want to hear from you. This includes financial planners, advisors, wealth managers, insurance advisors and real estate professionals.

What do you get for listing in the database?

  • Exposure to the Canadian MoneySaver readership, a national publication also distributed in retail outlets across Canada and online.
  • A listing featuring your name, firm, credentials and contact information, as well as a direct link to your website.
  • A chance to get in front of individuals who are actively looking to have some sort of financial need fulfilled.

What is the cost?

The annual listing fee amounts to $350 plus tax. While Canadian MoneySaver cannot promise that all applications will be listed, we will not take payment until it is confirmed that it is an eligible application.

Alternatively, Canadian MoneySaver will waive the fee for contributors who provide two articles over the year that get published in the magazine. Canadian MoneySaver has the final say on whether any articles submitted are published.

How do I get listed on the database?

Please send an e-mail to  with 'Financial Professional Database' in the subject. Within the e-mail, please also include the following details so we can begin the screening process:

  • Name
  • Contact info
  • Company
  • Occupation (i.e. insurance advisor, investment advisor, financial planner, etc.)
  • Fee structure (Fee only, commission based, etc.)
  • Licensed to sell investments?
  • Credentials (CIM, CFP, CFA, etc.)
  • Website address

Upon approval, a Canadian MoneySaver representative will be in touch with you regarding next steps for the listing.